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Community Support

App template was created by Google for local community organizers to manage community support.

Industry: Non-Profit
Function: Other
The COVID-19 Community Support App was built to support community organizers to have a way to track and manage requests from their community members. The core process in the app allows users to make requests for help and have helpers from the community fulfill those requests. Getting Started 1. Click “Copy and Customize” 2. Choose and enter a custom name for your community app. 3. Under “Save app to” choose the file store that you wish to use. Ensure the “Make a copy of the data for the new app” is checked and click “Copy app” 4. Once the app is copied, the appsheet editor will be opened, click the “Not Deployed” link near the top left corner. A deployment check will run. 5. Click “Move app to deployed state” (note if you would like to test it out with a small group of people you can do this later). 6. Click “share app” -> “Links” tab and copy the browser link to a new tab. These 2 links are what you will need to broadcast the app to your community so that they can access the app. Use the “Install link” for mobile devices and “Browser Link” for desktop devices. 7. With your new app now opened, you are almost ready to launch it. You should see two options on the bottom menu, “Setup Coordinators” and “Finish Setup”. Click “Setup Coordinators” 8. On this screen, Click the + icon to enter any individuals that will be coordinators for this app. 9. When you are done click “Finish Setup”. Review the email addresses and click the flag icon to finish setup. That's it your Community support app is ready to be released!

How we built this app

The app is designed to be simple to use and understand for the end user. To create the simplicity high use of column display names and formulas were used. You may notice the “Instructions” virtual column, this column is used to provide context to certain situations in the app to help guide the user along. Usersettings were not used because it would have added an extra step for user onboarding. The goal was to get the user into the app fast and to make a request with minimal frequency. Heavy use of show_if for the views were used to show views based on the user role. Email was not used as the primary key because of the potential for manual entries by community coordinators. There is potential that only a phone number would be available.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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