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Equipment Maintenance App

Digitally manage equipment maintenance throughout your organization with the Equipment Maintenance App

Industry: Manufacturing
Function: Maintenance
Track equipment maintenance throughout our organization. UX Views - Facilities - Maintenance - Team - See an XY map view of where each of the equipment maintenance reports were completed and which need to be updated. Actions - Create a guided user experience with an action button that pre-fills equipment maintenance reports for you. Automations - Send an email to managers when the equipment is in poor or bad condition.

How we built this app

Track equipment maintenance throughout our organization. UX Views - Facilities - Maintenance - Team - See an XY map view of where each of the equipment maintenance reports were completed and which need to be updated. Actions - Create a guided user experience with an action button that pre-fills equipment maintenance reports for you. Automations - Send an email to managers when the equipment is in poor or bad condition.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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