
We're setting up your new app...


Multi-Company Starter

Many users connected to many companies

Industry: n/a
This app demonstrates how to setup a system where you can connect a user to multiple instances of the app - instances being the high-level table in your database, from which you filter everything else (like Companies, Institutions, Businesses, etc.) - This app shows all the necessary tables, columns, actions, slices, views, and automations necessary for this sort of system to work smoothly. - This app has elements that handle both inviting someone new to your Instance, and also removing their access as well.

How we built this app

The app consists of 3 tables: 1. Instances - the high-level parent table that sits at the top of the data scheme hierarchy 2. Users - which sits off by itself as an island in the data scheme hierarchy 3. User_Instance_Invites - which serves as the join table, connecting the two together ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED ACTION SYSTEMS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - This app contains Action Looping (in order to accomplish the easy creation of the invite records, from the simple modification of the enumlists on the Instance table). - This app also contains form save events, which kick off the loops when you save the Instance form. - This app also makes use of the INPUT() function in two separate ways: 1. Using a Ref Update type of action, we're "pushing" a change in the "current instance selected" 2. Using a floating action button, we've inserted an INPUT() action at the top of an action stack - When you push the button, first the input pops up - with the rest of the stack waiting for your input - If you cancel, the rest of the stack does not first off - When you save the input, the rest of the stack kicks off - which fires off the loops for creating the invite records. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This app features a few automations, all centered around the notification of users - When you create a new invite, users are notified of their new access (with a link that takes them directly into the app) - When you add an end date to an invite: the user is notified their access has been removed. - When you delete an invite, and it doesn't have an end date: the user is notified their access has been removed.
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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