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Attendance App

This attendance tracker app helps log student attendance in class.

Industry: Education
Function: Education & Training
By creating a new Action and specifying which separate table data should be added to, and defining each column added, rows of data can quickly be updated and moved across all tables in your application. Start by visiting Behavior > Actions > 'Add New Action’ This sample app action is setup to copy the Email and Course values from the student table, and using the TODAY() and TIMENOW() expressions, to log the Email, Course, current date and time as a new row in the attendance table. Click the action next to each student, then see how records are being added to the separate, Attendance table.

How we built this app

For instructions on how to achieve the action (button) used in this sample app, visit this post: https://community.appsheet.com/t/action-add-a-row-to-a-table/13739
This is a preview of the data sets used in the app.


This is a high-level model of both the data entities and the UI elements in the app.
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